About Sam
Hello! Or 'halloumi' as my Cypriot friend greets himself in the mirror each morning. My name is Sam Clarke and I'm a children's author. This page tells you a little bit about me. If you want to know more, please raise your hand and I will take your questions at the end of this website.
As an engineer, I've always used the analytical and logical left-hand side of my brain (a lot). So much so, that it outgrew the right-hand side of my brain and I often found myself walking around in circles. I decided the only way around this problem was to become more creative and rebalance my brain , so I started writing children's stories!
Like the sun, I started life in the east (of England) but now reside in the west (Bristol) where I live with my young family. I like rainbows, football, cheese and renewable energy and would welcome any suggestions of how I could combine these interests into a single, time-saving hobby...
When I was little...
Like nearly all adults (except for some school teachers) I started off as a child. Here are some pictures to prove it!